Tag: medicinal

Tag: medicinal

Herbal expertise.

Working with Herbs Successfully. The explosion of the internet makes it appear that herbal expertise is readily available.  It also makes it seem that herbal expertise is not needed. I used to have a client who came regularly to the store I worked in and was always trying something new.  Week to week.  She was

Improving Sleep

Improving Sleep Improving sleep is sometimes overlooked in prescriptions for health.  The next decade will see more research on how critical sleep is.  For example.  If you don’t get enough sleep your risk for obesity, diabetes, stroke, cancer, depression, autoimmune disease, and cardiovascular disease increases. The average adult should be getting 8 (or more) hours

Cramp Bark

Cramp Bark.  Aka Guelder rose, Snowball bush, high bush cranberry, water elder, wayfaring tree, White dogwood, Love roses, Pincushion, rose elder, European cranberry bush, kalyna.  Latin name – Viburnum opulus. When the common name of a plant references an action, it is often the property for which a plant is primarily known.  Cramp bark is

Plant problems.

Plant Problems. I need the plant material I work with to be the highest quality possible.  To that end I need to know what a plant is meant to look like.  I also need to know when something is off.  Are there plant problems?  There are herbalists who do not make their own medicine.  They