Pain of endometriosis

The pain of endometriosis

The pain of endometriosis is twofold. Women with this condition frequently suffer from infertility. On top of this – women often experience crippling pelvic pain.  For those unfamiliar with the condition, endometriosis is when tissue that ordinarily lines the uterus (endometrium) grows outside the uterus on other pelvic organs like the fallopian tubes or ovaries.  This tissue, even though it is outside the uterus, responds to the hormonal changes of a woman’s cycle and thickens and bleeds just as the endometrium does during the menstrual cycle.  Despite this condition being common it can take years for women to obtain a diagnosis.

Female reproductive system.

I talked with a woman in tears because she was dealing with endometriosis.  She was desperate to have a baby and endometriosis was a major contributing factor to the fertility problems that she and her partner were experiencing. She asked me about vaginal steaming and if I thought it was something she should try.  I remember taking a deep breath.  Foaming at the mouth about misinformation from behind a screen is one thing.  To crush someone’s hopes when they are barely hanging on is another, however, needs must.  I told her the same thing I am writing here.  When I was talking with her I was a lot softer about it.

Bullshit Alert

Vaginal steaming is bullshit.  Bullshit.  It is not ancient.  It is not traditional.  Even if it were – who cares?  There are no health benefits.  It does not do anything except expose you to the opportunity to get burned.  Now that is sacred yoni energy!

That was sarcasm.

One more time –  vaginal steaming is bullshit!

You vagina is beautiful.  It IS sacred.


It does not need to be “cleaned”.

The natural ph of the vagina exists to keep happy the mix of bacteria that live there. Ever suffered a yeast infection?  When the microbiome of the vagina is out of whack that’s what happens.  The majority of the strains in the vagina are lactobacilli.  Think of them as the hot house orchids of the yoni.  They are finicky.  They like what they like. Assuming you could get steam from the exterior of your body to the inside of your vagina (a big assumption) heating up your vagina is only likely to change their happy home into a neighbourhood they do not like.

The bad news is that mainstream interventions for endometriosis are not fantastically effective and typically the condition is something that is chronic over time.  There are herb and lifestyle interventions that can help with managing the condition.  Not that any health condition is simple to deal with but endometriosis is definitely one that is complex.


immune system

estrogen/progesterone balance


exposure to xenoestrogens

diet/nutritional status


genetic component

Typically, they stage endometriosis based on the severity, 1 being least severe and 4 being the most severe.

I want to provide some concrete suggestions of things you can incorporate.  I always want people to live the healthiest life they can enjoy (hat tip to Yoni Freedhoff for that fantastic phrase) – not turn themselves into pretzels while they try every single intervention out there.  This is a brief overview, and not, therefore, a comprehensive treatment plan.

The pain of endometriosis is usually dealt with by any of our excellent antispasmodic herbs.  Black cohosh, cramp bark, passionflower are all great antispasmodic herbs.  For extreme pain there are herbs like Jamaican dogwood, pulsatilla, and corydalis.

Herbal infusions – a tonic and nourishing method of taking herbs.  Not suited for every herb that is out there but in cases of endometriosis alternating red clover and oatstraw infusions could be helpful.  Why do this?  Briefly – red clover contains phytosterols and can lower your overall level of estrogen.  Oat straw is mineral rich (similarly to nettle) and provides support for the nervous system.

Dietary Changes

Eliminate caffeine

Cut out alcohol

No added sugars

Reduce dairy

Reduce/eliminate red meat

3 servings a week of wild salmon or other high quality cold-water fish

2 tablespoons ground flax seed – daily.  This is also to work to balance hormones.  In a perfect world I would prefer if everyone ground their own at home.  Grind just enough for 2-3 days at a time.


Magnesium – if you are not already taking a mag supplement add one in.  400 mg a day.  I like magnesium glycinate or bis-glycinate for absorption.  Taking it a night works for most people and as it also helps with sleep you might as well get the benefit by taking it before bed.

NAC – there is evidence that it is beneficial for women with endometriosis.  600 mg 3 times a day.

Birth control – can help some women.  There are the usual risks associated with birth control – depending on age/health history.  Does help manage the condition while preserving fertility.

Herbal Approaches

Chaste tree berry – great for estrogen/progesterone balance.  Tincture would be preferred.  Some women find that chaste tree makes them cranky.  With a capitol CRANKY.  If this happens to you, first try to ride it out, if that is no good – discontinue use.

Love your liver – the liver is involved in so much of hormone metabolism that anything you do to improve liver function will be beneficial.  Milk thistle, dandelion root, toadflax and turtlehead are all liver loving herbs.

Immune tonics – adaptogens that will improve the immune system over time.

A nervine herb combo that contains St. John’s Wort can help with stress/emotional balance.  Aside from helping with the nervous system the St. John’s Wort also acts to modulate estrogen levels.  If you are taking any pharmaceuticals, then St. John’s Wort is out.  I have read a study (in vivo – rats) where a blend of sea buckthorn/St. John’s Wort oil applied topically was shown to reduce endometrial implants.

Cramp bark – the antispasmodic action of the bark is helpful for the pain associated with endometriosis.  Pain associated with endometriosis is without a doubt something many women with this condition struggle with.  The fruit of cramp bark is not ordinarily used in herbalism (usually use the bark) but another study (in vivo – rats) has shown that a tincture of the berries was also effective in shrinking endometrial implants.  I am eager for next year’s growing season to being as I am going to make cramp bark berry tincture a priority to experiment with.

Other ideas

Reduce body fat – this will help lower estrogen.  A realistic approach is to try to lose 5% of your current weight.  Then maintain that loss, then reset a new goal to lose 5% of your new lower weight.

Adopt an anti-inflammatory lifestyle.  There is so much that could fall under this. Eliminate sources of inflammation for example – bad/poor quality fats, chronic cardio.  Add anti-inflammatory powerhouses – leafy greens, berries, turmeric, resveratrol.

Endometriosis is a serious health condition.  The causes are still not completely understood. Women deserve to know the truth.  Women do not need their time wasted by ineffective, harmful, and bogus ideas like vaginal steaming.  If you want to have a womb affirming ritual – great.  Go for it.  Go to a Red Tent.  But know that empowered women are women armed with facts and information.


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