Category: Uncategorized

season of self care

It’s that time of year.  We’re making lists and checking them twice.  Waiting for 8 tiny reindeer to appear.  Wondering if 2 large dogs, 1 brother, 2 parents, brother’s new galfriend (who really has no idea what she is getting into), husband, and father-in-law are all going to be able to fit around the dinner

swooning in a botanical garden

A gal recently asked me if I garden.  Garden?  If you count me letting our 2.5 acres pretty much do what it wants then yes I garden.  Otherwise no, not so much.  I mostly like my plants wild – untouched and untamed.  Despite this affection for the weedy I am an ardent lover of botanical

easy DIY herb vinegar project

Part of my calling is encouraging/empowering people to use herbs for themselves.  Herbs as an essential component to our daily life.  We don’t need to “save” them for when we are ill.   When we incorporate herbs into our regular everyday we increase the nutritional density of our diet and lay the groundwork for better